Friday, June 13, 2008


Delicious is not something I would use. I use Facebook, and Visual Bookshelf, which is like Library Thing. And if I had any talent for photography I'm sure I would use Flickr more. As it is now, I do visit Flickr mainly to look at photos at random, usually travel pictures of London.

In my opinion, it's not expedient or helpful to organize bookmarks. It seems to me that the point of tagging is more for others who may find your list by the tags you choose. Because tagging bookmarks for me is already done in my head, I already know what categories I am looking for, etc. This is probably because I am a selfish person :) and not yet thinking 2.0, but honestly, I can't think of a good reason why I would need to categorize bookmarks in such a formal manner.
Except for the fun of it!

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