Tuesday, June 24, 2008

it's so obvious

This is probably too obvious to even mention, but why are craigslist and google the hot ones? Well, with google the strength of their search is a whole nother matter for people who understand complicated algorithms to talk about,

but as a humble user with a fine appreciation for the obvious, well... The design is eerily simple, no?

It's a white page. With a list of blue links.

Any idiot could use it...and therein lies a whole nother set of problems. (That's where my job gets harder. But Google Scholar is a nice touch.)

web 2.0

This is from the best of craigslist.

(Got to talk about craigslist. It's too crazy. I'm such a fan. And this one below is perhaps the best yet.)

email this posting to a friend best of craigslist > s.f. bayarea >
From the Craigslist Archives: 100 Years Ago.

Originally Posted: Sat, 30 Dec 02:09 PST

From the Craigslist Archives: 100 Years Ago.

Damnation! Cable Car Bells. Day and Evening - Clang! Clang! Clang!

I Paid $2 for a Lady of the Evening in the Barbary Coast. Was I Taken Advantage of?

W4M: Skinny Ladies - Abandon all Hope of Finding a Gentleman. Society Would Think We cannot Afford to Feed You.

RE: Cherokee, etc. ... You had no Less than Seven Spelling Errors in Your Missive.

Re: Damn Ferries! ... Bridges Traversing the Bay? That's a good one! You, Sir, are a Loon!

Progeny Persist in Playing Ragtime so Loudly on the Pianoforte that I cannot Concentrate on Reading Ovid.

Was Saturday Night Live as Funny Last Night as it was in 1871? I Think NOT.

RE: Stop Tapping Your Key so Hard ... I Shall TAP My Key as Hard as I Please.

To the Clerk at Trader Josephs Secondhand Rum Fumes Kill Innocent Babies.

Re: Opium Den ... We Call it 530 here. The Coppers do not Know what that Means.

I Predict that in 100 Years We Shall all Respect & Love One Another & Stop this Petty Bickering

Youngsters Bundling without Chaperones! Do They Really do this??? Can it be Stopped???

Cherokee Savages Have the Smallest Male Members

Benjamin & Gerald Name Iced-Cream in Honor of John Philip Sousa

RE: My Electric is Off Again ... Cheapskate. Switch to Westinghouse. Expensive but Reliable.

Where Might a Visitor Find a Good 13 Course Dinner in the City?

Damn Ferries! In the Future We Shall Cross the Bay on Bridges and be Done with Them.

All Who Invested Their Savings in the Kinetescope Business are Fools

French Maids!!! Stereo-Opticon Cards. Twelve for $1.

Christopher Pennington, Esq., Invites All to His Home on Nob Hill for Coffee & Cakes on New Year's Day.

To the "Gentlemen" on Polk Street Who Scared My Horses.

Pull Up Your Pants!!!

RE: Re: Krauts, etc., etc., ... and the Pollacks!

Next Summer's Bathing Costumes are Scandalous.

Would a Kind Member of the CL Community Please Direct Me to a Respectable Opium Den?

Anarchist Rally this Weekend. Time & Place Unknown. BYOB.

Re: Krauts, etc. ... You Forgot the Chinks, Spics and Jews.

A Teaspoon or Two of Laudanum Helps Children Sleep.

I Wish to Punch a Drinker of Demon Rum Right in the Face.

Gain 50 Pounds in 50 Days. You Need not Look Like a Starving Peasant. All New - Pure Lard Diet!


English Building Unsinkable Ship. USA Lags in Technology.

My Electric is Off Again. Edison Will Not Answer His Telephone.

Stop Tapping Your Key so Hard. It is the Equivalent of Shouting.

M4W: Honest Farmer 65 Seeks Healthy Wife 18 to Bear Children, Pull Plow, Cook

To the Surrey (with the fringe on top) that Splashed Me with Mud on Third Street

Rapscallions, Pull Up You Pants!

KKK Cross Burning Tonight. Good Family Fun.

Roosevelt More Evil than the Kaiser.

I am Ashamed of My Country.

For the Boys - Ankle Flash Krauts, Micks, Wops: the downfall of America.

What else can be predicted for 100 years from now for the craigslist community?

blogging from google docs doesnt add title

I am blogging from Google Docs. I am skipping Zoho Writer, because it is extremely similar to what I am doing here in Google Docs. In fact, I could third part log-in and create an account with Zoho just by typing in my Google 23things address info.

But I can already post to blog or share right here in Docs.

I am well aware that Google could potentially take over the world with their insane abilities to store and retrieve info. Not that Google can be the only search/app space, but they are the leaders at this point.

This is one of those times where I might as well join'em. I love for the most part the many books they already have online. The digitized covers are so nice. And while I am feeling the techno-lust, I just don't need 47 widgets that essentially do the same thing.

So I'm all Google today. Until it's time for good old fashioned story time.

Blogging from GOOGLE docs

Monday, June 23, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

wiki's at lunch-time

I think that the best thing about Wiki's is the collaborative nature. For example, if the system did have a wiki-style calendar of events, the potential for mistakes is much smaller, because many people would be reviewing/checking over the same site. I have more to say on this topic, but I also have to go to lunch. To be continued

Friday, June 13, 2008

2 to 4

I can't wait for Library 4.0! If we thought 2.0 was weird, 3d librarians sounds even weirder... Do I really need an avatar? I guess I could try it :)
I read the future ideas by Wendy Schultz. Very interesting!


Not suprisingly I was also not too impressed by Technorati. I tried a bunch of different searches to see what would happen, including my hometown, bands that I like, topics like crafting, etc, and while it's nice that there is a way to search the "blogosphere" I didn't find any new interesting blogs. I've had more luck with just randomly clicking thru blogger. It seems to me that blogs function better as a catch-all type journal rather than being restricted to a certain topic.


Delicious is not something I would use. I use Facebook, and Visual Bookshelf, which is like Library Thing. And if I had any talent for photography I'm sure I would use Flickr more. As it is now, I do visit Flickr mainly to look at photos at random, usually travel pictures of London.

In my opinion, it's not expedient or helpful to organize bookmarks. It seems to me that the point of tagging is more for others who may find your list by the tags you choose. Because tagging bookmarks for me is already done in my head, I already know what categories I am looking for, etc. This is probably because I am a selfish person :) and not yet thinking 2.0, but honestly, I can't think of a good reason why I would need to categorize bookmarks in such a formal manner.
Except for the fun of it!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

i think it's right?

I have added a link to the Google blog. I'm getting more familiar with blogger as well. I think this is a good project. It's listed as a blogroll, though... Seems like I need to do more research to really make rss work for me!


RSS technologies

Hello fellow 23-thingers...

For this week's exercise, I did create a bloglines account and set up a few feeds which looked interesting. But somewhere in this week the bloglines confused me. I decided to do some more research and looked up more library science blogs from all over. There is certainly a lot of funny people out there in library land having a lot of fun with their cool jobs! I also checked out the links/blogs/feeds available from ALA.

I think I still have another step for this week - to actually set the bloglines readers feeds to display on this blog. So I'm going to see if I can complete that step and spruce up this blog a bit!

Also, in terms of making use of RSS technologies for libraries - it could be useful to have a class for the public, or even a library RSS itself!!

Kaboose Craft Finder