Monday, July 21, 2008

what i like about web 2.0 tools

I like craigslist because it's plain. It's efficient. But you know, another thing I like about all these web 2.0 tools is that each one has its own aesthetic. Each one is a little different.

A tool is only useful if you know how to use it. That is my comment regarding how all this affects library life.

Regarding the PBCLS Wiki

It's fun! It's tempting! It's favorites.

I really miss Douglas Adams. (I was the poster who said still h2g2)

And now I've updated myself on the list of bloggers.

mo' gifts

Meanwhile, back at the ranch -
I said "to be continued..." so Let's continue.

The word wiki is Hawaian for 'quick'

I've never been to Hawaii. It's one of the places I've always wanted to go. My mom and I always talk about going to Hawaii someday. So Hawaii is both a nice place to visit and a good place to learn new names for everyday things.

A wiki is a technology which is new. The only thing new about it is that it's now technological in nature. Other than that, it's the same thing librarians have always done. Share information. Check the information. Make information accessible.

The intriquing part is the technological speed and ease of use.
A collaborative wiki is essential for any library, just like a catalog.

where are my weeks 7 and 8?

another week begins in paradise

Saturday, July 5, 2008

23 Things! Summary

My Many Adventures!
a summary of 23 things
I have thoroughly enjoyed this project. I don't generally 'blog' but learning how has been fun. I think there is a lot of potential to use emerging technologies as the information landscape changes. An important consideration in any search is the value or authority of the information presented.
It's great to have a space that allows for many points of view. The web is very cluttered, though. So don't believe the hype. Another difficulty is not giving in to techo-lust. Just because it's new and has a widget, it may still not be actually "the real thing."

Implementing these techologies in the day to day operation of the library system is a seperate project that would take more time. This program has been a helpful beginning. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


If the library had a blog/wiki type site for general news and announcements, I would think that a podcast spot would also be necessary, as it is more inclusive for those with sight problems.

I cast around for interesting podcasts. Started listening to Charles Simic reading poetry from the LOC website, and then got totally lost because I was trying to find one specific poem... Which I still haven't found - which is going to bother me all day. Podcasts don't seem to be my thing. The best use I can think of is listening to NPR online.

OverDrive AudioBooks

It took a little while, but I managed to download the player for AudioMedia OverDrive e-books. I wanted to to take this 22nd step to discover the difficulty level of using this service from the Palm Beach County website. I put myself in the place of the patron to see how it works and if it is something I can recommend.

This service could certainly come in handy for Youth Services. Many schools assign summer reading... and patrons end up waiting for weeks for a reserve to come back in. Granted, listening is not quite the same as reading, but with the more poular classic titles, this could be a good resource for the parents and kids who can't wait.

It is not difficult to use. It is nice to be able to burn to cd. But of course, as an ipod user, I can't directly transfer these for portable listening. But that's licensing in the digital millenium.


In the Library

31 kbps0.20 / 1.13

last week of 23 things

That was fun! Just like with many of these exercises, I sat here for about 15 minutes thinking ok, what do I do? Oh, 'embed' a video on to the blog. Ok, how do I do that? And after looking around for another few minutes, I finally realize. Oh. It's really simple. Paste the code.

And it's a very nice feeling. A small step, but one one that akes me feel even more comfortable and net-literate. Now if I wanted to, I could be like Perez Hilton. On second thought, I'm not that stylish. But anyway. I now know how to blog and add widgets and videos, etc. I like it. Thanks, 23 things!

Embedding a Youtube Video

Here is a commercial for apartments in Wellington.

Kaboose Craft Finder