Wednesday, September 3, 2008

all lily could say was wow

Wellington, it wasn't meant to be.

Now if only I could figure how to transfer this blog to I like to finish the things I start.

This is no longer a work blog, but maybe I'll have something new to crow about soon.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Zoho Writer

My name is Gina and I am a librarian. As such I am often very busy.

I like to read alot, and not just all the kid's books that I have to read for work. I just started reading a new book titled "Chaos" - because I have always been interested in science.

This is all part of why I never tuly explored ZohoWriter, and why I am so late to finally post about ZohoWriter. ZohoWriter, in case you 2 were 2 busy to notice, well, let me tell you, ZohoWriter has lots of toys.

In fact, I will go as far as to confess that it is not all that like Google Docs. I figured since I already use Google Docs for online word processing, what do I need this Zoho account for? Just one more password that I'll never remember.

However. ZohoWriter has word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and other tools. It even has a tool for one such as yourself to create more tools. Specific applications that fit your library's lifestyle. There's a spot to start up an online wiki, there's databases, and more.

I humbly regret my error and the constant lack of time.

Hey Florida

August is here.

have I mentioned yet how hot it is?

Monday, July 21, 2008

what i like about web 2.0 tools

I like craigslist because it's plain. It's efficient. But you know, another thing I like about all these web 2.0 tools is that each one has its own aesthetic. Each one is a little different.

A tool is only useful if you know how to use it. That is my comment regarding how all this affects library life.

Regarding the PBCLS Wiki

It's fun! It's tempting! It's favorites.

I really miss Douglas Adams. (I was the poster who said still h2g2)

And now I've updated myself on the list of bloggers.

mo' gifts

Meanwhile, back at the ranch -
I said "to be continued..." so Let's continue.

The word wiki is Hawaian for 'quick'

I've never been to Hawaii. It's one of the places I've always wanted to go. My mom and I always talk about going to Hawaii someday. So Hawaii is both a nice place to visit and a good place to learn new names for everyday things.

A wiki is a technology which is new. The only thing new about it is that it's now technological in nature. Other than that, it's the same thing librarians have always done. Share information. Check the information. Make information accessible.

The intriquing part is the technological speed and ease of use.
A collaborative wiki is essential for any library, just like a catalog.

where are my weeks 7 and 8?

another week begins in paradise

Kaboose Craft Finder